The Downtown San Francisco Ferry Terminal Expansion Project

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EIS-EIR Released: Click to jump down


As the federal and local Lead Agencies, respectively, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and WETA have prepared a joint Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) to satisfy the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The EIS/EIR addresses potential impacts to land use, development potential, displacements, historic resources, visual and aesthetic qualities, air quality, noise and vibration, dredging and Bay fill requirements, hazardous materials resulting from demolition and construction activities, traffic circulation and transportation linkages, pedestrian circulation, safety, security, and emergency response, Bay habitat, and cumulative impacts.

Notice of Intent (NOI) / Notice of Preparation (NOP) | Status: Complete

FTA published a NOI to prepare an EIS for the project in the Federal Register on April 7, 2011. The NOI describes the project purpose and need, location and environmental setting, project alternatives, possible effects, and FTA procedures. WETA submitted a NOP to the State Clearinghouse on March 24th, 2011 providing a brief description of the proposed project, environmental issues to be analyzed in the review process, dates for the public comment period and scoping meetings, and project contacts for additional information.

Public Scoping | Status: Complete

Two public scoping meetings were held on April 26, 2011 and public comments concerning the scope of the project EIS/EIR were solicited during a 45-day period ending on May 16, 2011. Comments received during the scoping period are summarized in the Scoping Summary Report prepared by WETA.

Agency Coordination Plan | Status: On-going

The Agency Coordination Plan was developed to satisfy the provisions of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA LU), which requires that the lead agencies establish a plan for coordinating public and agency participation and comment during the environmental review process. This Plan identifies the roles and overall responsibilities of the federal, state, and local agencies that will be coordinating on the preparation of the EIS/EIR. The goal is to ensure that agencies and the public provide input into the environmental review process, in order to address any concerns or issues that might affect the proposed project.

The 1st Agency Coordination meeting was hosted by WETA and FTA on December 8, 2011.

Draft EIS/EIR | Status: released June 2013

Read the Notice of Availability.

Complete Draft EIR/EIS Document 819 pages, large 45.2 MB download.

Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report, Downtown San Francisco Ferry Terminal Expansion Project

Final EIS/EIR | Status: released September 2014

Complete EIR/EIS Document (in two parts)

Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report, Downtown San Francisco Ferry Terminal Expansion Project Volume I (571pp, 31.7 MB download)

Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report, Downtown San Francisco Ferry Terminal Expansion Project Volume II (726pp, 27.6 MB download)


Cover, Title, Signature, Abstract (4pp, 857 KB download)

Table of Contents (12pp, 99 KB download)

Executive Summary (48pp, 2 MB download)

1.0 Purpose and Need (24pp, 2.46 MB download)

2.0 Alternatives (48pp, 8.57 MB download)

3.0 Affected Environment, Consequences, and Mitigation (400pp, 19.4 MB download)

4.0 Other CEQA/NEPA Considerations (4pp, 42 KB download)

5.0 Public Agency Involvement (8pp, 75 KB download)

6.0 List of Preparers (2pp, 30 KB download)

7.0 References (11 pp, 143 KB download)

Appendix A, Scoping Summary Report (192pp, 9.51 MB download)

Appendix B, Revised Air Quality (41pp, 357 KB download)

Appendix C, Special-Status Species List (9pp, 75 KB MB download)

Appendix D, Agency Coordination and Consultation (209pp, 8.48 MB download)

Appendix E, Program EIR Analysis (32pp, 201 KB download)

Appendix F, Response to Comments on Draft EIS/EIR (197pp, 8.23 MB download)

Appendix G, Mitigartion Monitoring and Reporting Program (27pp, 253 KB download)

Appendix H, Record of Decision (10pp, 110 KB download)

Record of Decision | Status: Issued September 2014

FTA, as the federal lead agency under NEPA, has issued the Record of Decision (10pp, 110 KB download) for the project as the final project approval in the NEPA process.

Notice of Determination | Status: Issued October 2014

WETA, as the local lead agency under CEQA, has certified the Environmental Impact Report  (23pp, 216 KB download) and adopted a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program  (25pp, 240 KB) in compliance with CEQA requirements.

Permits Required

Additionally, other state, local and Federal agencies have jurisdiction over the project area and/or resources that could potentially be impacted by the project. The following major permits and approvals will be required:

  • Port/City and County of San Francisco - Approval of WETA's long-term lease for modifications to existing and construction of new facilities within their jurisdiction, including Design Review approval. Issuance of building permit.
  • San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission - Major Permit and Federal Consistency Certification, including Design Review approval (conducted jointly with the Port).
  • California State Lands Commission - Approval of required dredging; approval is coordinated with the Port.
  • San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board - Clean Water Act Section 401 water quality certification for placement of fill into waters of the United States and for approval of dredging.
  • State Historic Preservation Office - National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 consultation related to potential impacts to historic resources.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Clean Water Act Section 404 and Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 permit for placement of fill into waters of the United States and for approval of dredging.
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service - Endangered Species Act Section 7 consultation. National Marine Fisheries Service - Marine Mammal Protection Act, Section 7 Endangered Species Act, and Essential Fish Habitat consultations.
  • California Department of Fish and Wildlife – California Endangered Species Act, Incidental Take Permit. (Complete, July 2015)

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