2022 Electric Vessel Construction Project and Associated Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Project Goal

The San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) intends to release an RFP for the construction of one (1) new passenger-only 46 CFR subchapter K ferry vessel in the winter of 2022, with the potential to include an optional second vessel.  As technical specifications are developed for the second vessel, WETA will determine if this second vessel should be an option to this RFP to or if it is better suited to be included in a separate RFP.  

This passenger only electric catamaran will be designed and constructed for efficient and reliable ferry service. Specific routing for this ferry will be determined based on current ongoing electrical studies. The expected passenger capacity target range may be 250-400 passengers with a minimum service speed range of 21-30 knots. This vessel construction project will be funded in part with Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds.

>> Download vessel construction technical information (PDF)

Recording of Webinar: DBE Project Goal for 2022 Electric Vessel Construction Project

On October 13, WETA hosted a webinar along with Golden Gate Bridge and Highway Transportation District, to provide an overview of both WETA’s and Golden Gate Ferry’s upcoming vessel construction projects and technical specifications, include an opportunity for participants to ask questions, and to disseminate information on interested primes and subcontractors. In addition, the webinar provided participants an opportunity to comment on the project's proposed Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) goal, as required by FTA regulations.

Based on feedback from the October 13 Public Participation Meeting WETA’s proposed DBE goal for this project is 1.72%.  FTA approved WETA’s proposed goal on January 7, 2022.  To read more about the development of this DBE project goal, please see the memo provided below.

** No questions related to this procurement or the DBE Project Goal were submitted after the webinar.

>> Registration List
>> Recording
>> Copy of WETA presentation
>> DBE Project Goal Memo for 2022 Electric Vessel Construction Project

Recording of Interstate Certification Webinar

On Wednesday, October 20, at 10 a.m., WETA and GGBHTD hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the certification process for out of state DBEs to become certified by the California Unified Certification Program (CUCP).  WETA and GGBHTD only accept DBE firms certified through the CUCP.  Out of state DBEs must be certified with the CUCP upon contract award. The webinar on October 20 provided an overview of the process and an opportunity for questions with certifying staff from Caltrans.

>> Recording of Interstate Certification Webinar
>> Copy of Presentation


Join the Project Networking List

Sign up here to receive information on this 250-400 passenger electric vessel construction project and to be listed as an interested contractor or subconsultant on the 250-400 Passenger Electric Vessel Construction Networking List. This list is being created and posted to provide a forum for prime contractors and subcontractors to trade contact information and network in advance of the release of the bid documents.

>> Sign up for the Construction Project Networking List

Current project networking list (last updated October 19, 2021)

DBE Project Goal Regulatory Background

On November 3, 2014, the FTA released revised regulations for the Participation of DBEs in Department of Transportation Financial Assistance Programs, 49 CFR part 26. WETA has historically included new vessel construction projects as a part of the development of its overall triennial DBE goal. However, as the result of FTA’s 2014 changes to DBE regulations, new ferry construction projects now fall under FTA’s Transit Vehicle Manufacturer (TVM) requirements, limiting bidders to FTA certified TVMs. Because there are no shipyards that are registered as TVMs, WETA is requesting FTA approval to establish a project specific DBE goal for this project in lieu of limiting proposers to certified TVMs.

WETA has prepared an analysis to establish a project goal for the participation of DBEs in this project following the requirements of 49 CFR §26.45. Part of the requirements for establishing the project goal is to provide meaningful consultation with stakeholders to review and provide input on the proposed goal. The October 13, 2021 webinar will provide this opportunity.

How to Find DBEs?
WETA only accepts DBE firms certified through the California Unified Certification Program (CUCP). DBEs must be certified with the CUCP upon contract award. The CUCP DBE database contains up-to-date information on certified DBE firms and can be used to find certified DBE firms for solicitation to meet DBE goal and contracting requirements. This database is intended to expand the use of DBE firms by maintaining complete and current information on those businesses and the products and services they can provide. The entire database can be downloaded or exported. To find a certified DBE firm, visit https://caltrans.dbesystem.com/.

How to Become a DBE?
The CUCP is charged with overseeing DBE certification activities performed by the various certifying agencies. CUCP certifying agencies are responsible for certifying DBE firms. It is not necessary to apply for DBE certification at more than one agency. Please note: the Water Emergency Transportation Authority is not a certifying agency.

The application to become a newly certified DBE can take up to 90 days. For more information on becoming a DBE and to download the application, please visit https://caltrans.dbesystem.com/.

Current DBE firms that are located outside of California must go through an interstate certification process with the CUCP. There is an expedited application for interstate DBE certification, however, this process can still take 30-60 days.

California Unified Certification Program (CUCP)
The CUCP provides "one-stop shopping" certification services to small, minority and women business seeking to participate in the U.S. Department of Transportation DBE Program. Learn more here: https://caltrans.dbesystem.com/

For more information:

Contact Information

Project Manager
Tim Hanners, Operations

DBE Administrator
Lauren Gularte